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LLMs are the next wave of technology

The logistics industry has always been reshaped by transformative technologies. From the shipping container to the modern TMS, there are countless examples throughout history. Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI more broadly are set to drive the next wave of innovation in the industry. 

LLMs are unique in their ability to handle large datasets, simplify complex tasks, and broadly enhance efficiency. At CargoZen, we are witnessing firsthand how “true” AI can augment human decision-making and streamline daily processes. By properly equipping your teams with these advanced tools, you can unlock operational efficiencies beyond the capabilities of existing technologies. 

Like any technology, the tool is only as good as its ability to solve real problems for your organization. There are very real challenges in achieving these increases in productivity and it is our mission to directly address and help your organization resolve those issues. If it is not delivering a measurable ROI, it has failed.


That being said, some companies have observed early failures and decided the underlying technology is a failure. This is a mistake. The ability of LLMs (and AI more broadly) to solve real business problems is proven and many of your competitors are successfully investing in this technology. A decade from now, the companies who successfully built around AI will outclass every company who failed to incorporate AI into their operations. 


Our mission is to level the AI playing field and give every organization the ability to harness this powerful technology. 


We do this by enhancing your organization’s most powerful asset; your people. By giving operators the right set of tools and making sure they know how to use them, you can achieve unprecedented productivity. The future lies in leveraging AI to complement human labor, not replace it. 

Our core goal is to give access to quality AI-based products that empower people and organizations. Rather than threatening jobs, AI can be a new growth engine for the logistics industry. Our industry is the backbone of the global economy and achieving this will pave the way for a more prosperous future. 

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